Ana Lúcia Gimemez Ribeiro Lupinacci
Fred Jordan (Berlin, 1927 — Sao Paulo, 2001), a German graphic communicator, worked in printed communication for more than 40 years in Sao Paulo and for most of those years was connected to Gráfica Nicollini. His accurate technical knowledge and fine aesthetic perception were expressed in calendars, packages, collages and illustrations. Recovering some aspects of this artist´s work which went beyond the dominant design trends of his time. We’ve done some exploration studies in order to compare different documents and after that, we organized a historical study. The artist´s family members — trustees of Jordan´s work — kindly let us get in touch with his collection, providing a close contact between different generations based on his job. The results of this research were shown in a exhibition and in a round-table discussion in Sao Paulo.
ISSUE 2 | April 2008 | 02/05 | Past Radical Propositions