The act of drawing as an interdisciplinary process. A case study on Victor Palla´s early works

João Palla

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This paper is a case study on Victor Palla´s early works, promoting the process of drawing as a mediator between different disciplines, and explaining how his artwork was related to the rebellious spirit that emerged and prospered in Portugal at the end of World War II. This paper will range from hand-drawn sketches to final masterpieces with the intention of enhancing a better understanding of interdisciplinarity.

The objectives are of two kinds: to develop a study and interest in Victor Palla`s work, and secondly, to analyse in a general view, the importance of ‘drawing’ in his different artistic activities. Our exploratory analysis will help reveal additional information about the artist’s work and demonstrate, hopefully, how Victor Palla´s contribution helped enrich the Portuguese Visual Culture. These artworks are part of our cultural heritage; therefore, this essay will assist the construction and preservation of a cultural and visual identity.

ISSUE 2 | April 2008 | 05/05 | Past Radical Propositions